Coubran Lake PGE/VMS Potential Property This property ties on to Benton Resources and to Discover PGM Corporations property in the Seeley Lake Twp. G-0613. Property Description and Location The Coubran Lake property is located in north western Ontario, 14 kilometers west north-west of the Town of Marathon, Ontario, and consists of 47 unpatented units or 752 hectares. The Trans Canada Highway is approximately 3 kms south of the property and the north shore of Lake Superior is approximately 5 kms south of the property. This property ties on to Benton Resources and to Discover PGM Corporations property in the Seeley Lake Twp. G-0613. Accessibility. Access to the property is provided by a series of old logging roads, all terrain vehicle trails and foot paths that extend in a northerly direction for a distance of approximately five miles from the Trans-Canada Highway. The property is also accessible by a five minute helicopter ride from the Marathon airport. Claims/units
The Coubran Lake Property is underlain by the western Gabbro and Centre I syenite of the Neohelikian-age Coldwell Alkaline Complex (“Coldwell Complex”) and Archean-age metavolcanic and granitoid intrusive rocks. The EBG has been subdivided into Basal and Layered sequences. The basal sequence consists of varitextured to taxitic, magnetite-olivine gabbro and the layered sequence a variety of moderately laminated and modally layered, medium- to coarse-grained, locally apatite-bearing biotite-magnetite gabbro, biotite-magnetite-olivine gabbro, and anorthosite. Large quartz-plagioclase-biotite+/-amphibole hornfels xenoliths/screens (possibly identified by lithogeochemistry as contact metamorphosed, Proterozoic-age mafic metavolcanic rocks) are common in the upper Basal Sequence. Several mineralized zones and discrete occurrences were identified and documented. Exploration activity within the Coldwell Complex has historically focussed on: the base metals copper (Cu) and nickel (Ni); the platinum-group elements (PGE) platinum (Pt), palladium(Pd), and rhodium (Rh); the strategic metals vanadium (V) and titanium (Ti); the rare metals niobium (Nb), yttrium (Y), zirconium (Zr); the rare earth elements (REE’s); phosphates (apatite); building stone; and semi-gemstones (spectrolite). There are no known primary gold (Au) or silver (Ag) occurrences within the complex. Compared to exploration conducted within the adjacent greenstone belts the amount of activity within the complex has been sporadic.